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[GET] Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System - Paul C. Bragg, Patricia Bragg [pdf]

To those new to apple cider vinegar, you don't have to drink it straight to get benefit from it. Many use the ACV and water with honey, but you can also mix it with apple or orange juice and its still effective and tastes good. After you have started using it
for awhile, you may get to like to tartness of it and take it straight.

There have been some people that say ACV is bad for your teeth, because it is acidic, I have been using it nearly all my life and
never had a problem. If you are concerned about it, you can drink you ACV drink with a straw....this gets the liquid to
the back of the throat, bypassing the teeth.

Other fermented foods to consider are water and milk kefir.

The water kefir has lots of probiotic health benefits and it makes a natural carbonation so it can be fizzy like soda.

Milk kefir is kind of like a liquid yogurt, but where yogurt has 4 or 5 strains of probiotic, kefir has up to 40 kinds.

Both are really easy to make, you can find videos on youtube and buy starter cultures on ebay for around $5.00.

AMEN POWEFUL STUFF LOVE IT THANKS TO NONCONFORMERS guys never conform with no dictatorship act that want make us ill and turn us into modern slaves with no rights no voice , might the truth live and the brave and honest of men be crownd with victory , been a blackhat person don't make you a bad person is just that we don't want to share our money with the pigs that want to tax us and we don't receive no value for what we pay they made us think we are happy with what we are getting it's all mind control , but anyway it;s long story sty awake

Thanks ones again to nonconformer man you are a freaking legend for making our BBHF Community aware of this
I will share some on this subject like cure of ***s and *.*.v

Permanently unplug from the matrix. :)

[Image: Snap1.jpg]

Thanks for sharing NonConformer, I heard some things in the past about ACV but never really had time to look closely into this thing. And by the way, not sure about what you mean by "religious commentary". I'm absolutely positive that for example some Muslim medics do acknowledge the benefits of ACV, if not recommend it, check this article for example:

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Great share!

Thanks a TON!

Repped to the MAX!

+5 Reps - Thank you very much NonConformer for this awesome share!

I have this an use it every morning as a preventative to many diseases. It preps the body for the day and gets your stomach ready for digestion. I use it for sour stomach and it helps your whole body. Thanks to OP for this. Can't recommend it enough. Here is a mirror too:


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I mix it with powdered red beet and water - makes the beet juice taste much fresher and takes away the bite of the vinegar.

Quote:(03-19-2014 09:09 AM)NonConformer Wrote:

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Permanently unplug from the matrix. :)

[Image: Snap1.jpg]

I'm watching the Matrix today. I watched Mark Passio's critique of the Matrix Trilogy last fall. Kudos to you.

Quote:(03-08-2014 04:37 PM)NonConformer Wrote:

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Good to see so many people taking their health into their own hands.

BTW - Activated charcoal as well as green clay are very good for toxins and food poisoning. Always have some charcoal on hand just in case. They are both fantastic for making poultices, too.

Take a brown recluse spider bite as an example.

Ever seen how bad they can be? The bite injects a flesh eating bacteria into your skin that starts disintegrating your skin. Go ahead and google it and look at the pics. Also notice how mainstream medicine is an absolute failure when it comes to this. A poultice of charcoal, green clay and echinacea cleans it right up. Ask me how I know. :/

I've had activated charcoal and ACV since 2004. I know that activated charcoal chelates poisons but I had no idea that it works even better with Echinacea and green clay. After a college student got bitten by the brown recluse spider, a nurse stated that nitroglycerin cream can heal it. Repasting her reply here:

None of that would have happened if the doctors had known what to do. I can not believe they still treat this like they did
a hundred years ago. You can heal a brown recluse spider bite in three days by simply applying nitroglycerin cream to the area.
This causes blood vessels to grow to the area faster then the venom destroys it. All the pain and suffering and lost fingers and
tissue people have suffered would not have happened if the doctors simply knew what to do. Thanks Cathy Gish

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