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Ichi | Re-introduction

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:41 AM)Ichi Wrote:

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Well, then you must be aware of what exercises that are actually useful and so forth. But what I meant was that I am not aware of how much 10cm equals in pounds/Kg.. :confused:

Yeah, and I've tried, and I have even gotten my instructor to put me together like 3 different workouts but none of them have seemed to work. I guess I am intended to just but some fat guy for the rest of my life! :3

And whoops! xD

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:33 AM)Cloud Wrote:

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Damn, that REALLY has to suck. My friend is almost the exact same way, he totaled like 75 days of school MISSED last year...

I was sick 134 school days just last year, and about the same the years before that. Now I just don't bother to be home if I am sick. ( Well unless its lethal or really bad, or if it has a huge chance of spreading to others at school. )

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:20 AM)Ichi Wrote:

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I wouldn't say a better person, even though gluttony is looked upon as negative. But I would rather have called myself lucky, as I don't feel hunger at all. I don't eat because I get hungry, I eat because I start to either shake or I get so tired of anything and need energy... The strange part, is that my body has taken no ill effects of the lack of food and the more important lack of healthy food. ( That is if you are to believe my edgy doctor )

Idunno, sounds odd for it not to take effect. But hey, if you aint dead, you're good.

I only eat healthy stuff because I'll eat whatever the hell I can get. Used to eat bugs as a kid, not anymore obviously, but I still have a pretty indiscriminatory appetite.

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:20 AM)Black River Wrote:

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I feel like it's a blessing. Then the doc told me this metabolism shit is going to shave a few years off my life.

So you didn't get the short end of the stick xD

Don't worry, I do have the short end of the stick, because even if you die at 90 instead of 100, I'll be dead by 65 because of obesity. Like I went to the gym every day of the week this summer (excluding weekends) and I tried to eat salads as much as possible, but I still weigh 140 pounds at 13, like holy sweet jesus.

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:37 AM)Cloud Wrote:

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To get into my local gym, you have to pay 150$ to get into 5, 2 hour classes on the human body and how to properly lose weight and what-not, so I certainly know a lot about losing weight (not trying to sound like a stuck up prick). Also, 140 pounds is 63.5029 kilos (<3 Google)

Well, then you must be aware of what exercises that are actually useful and so forth. But what I meant was that I am not aware of how much 10cm equals in pounds/Kg..

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:54 AM)Ichi Wrote:

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Well I guess you are correct on that as I annoy people by simple not showing a single care when they try to either share something with me or annoy me in any way. My lack of empathy also annoys people a lot, mostly when I comment on something that happens to be sad for them while I am being cold. I've always believe that getting angry or full of temper is a bad way of getting to a solution as your mind thinks more accurate when its calm... :xd:

I'd like to think like you. Then years of being pushed around happened.
I actually do really want to fix my issues, no matter many outbursts I get, the timer on the bomb just resets. Repression or some shit, so diplomacy goes out the window easily.
Wish it didn't but oi, it's how I was built.

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:57 AM)Cloud Wrote:

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Jumping in on this conversation, I have really bad anger management issues. I am an extremely chill guy to hang out with, but once I get pissed off (which happens easily and quickly), you DO NOT want to be any wheres near me. At lunch the other day someone made fun of my bad hair and they almost got knocked out.

Well it depends on presentation I'd assume. I don't mind when people say my hair looks off, but if they straight up say it's shit, then yeah, I get where you're coming from.

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:42 AM)Black River Wrote:

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I remember have a nail driven right through my hand. Was small thank God but it almost gave me tetanus. I still have the scar and it's kind of fading away with time. Though it's been there for about seven years now. Taking it's sweet ass time leaving.

Well you never know, you might be a catch and you're just being humble, which is generally considered a bonus.

I'm amazing but I'm a dickhead, so yknow, I'm just a level below ya. Maybe.

You might be a dickhead ( haven't really made an opinion about you yet ), but most people can't stand to even be in the same room as me for more than a few minutes. I either get that I look decently creepy ( yet somewhat attractive ) and that I am rather cold. ( Some people actually commented on the air felt colder around me. I do hope it was a joke. :stressed: ) I also wouldn't call myself humble in anyway, its more like I get annoyed about most things that I do or anything that has do to with me in general.

Quote: (10-13-2013, 04:47 AM)Black River Wrote:

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I was tennish when I tore my hand a new hole. Pain isn't really something you register at that moment. More like panic.

Was confused as holy hell.
'Do I take it out or do I leave it in?! Do I take it out or leave it in?!'
Ah, good memories of jackassery.

I am aware that intense pain is something that takes time to notice, its just that I never really felt pain towards it at the time. As a 3 year old, one should have though I would have cried, yet instead I managed to walk with a broken impaled leg for a few feet..

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:47 AM)Feat Wrote:

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I find it funny how I feel the same way. I feel pain somewhat, but I haven't shed a tear in about 4-5 years from pain itself.

I haven't shed a tear for anything in the past 9 years at least. I don't think I've every shed a tear for pain before, only deep despair and sorrow once.

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:42 AM)Black River Wrote:

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I remember have a nail driven right through my hand. Was small thank God but it almost gave me tetanus. I still have the scar and it's kind of fading away with time. Though it's been there for about seven years now. Taking it's sweet ass time leaving.

Well you never know, you might be a catch and you're just being humble, which is generally considered a bonus.

I'm amazing but I'm a dickhead, so yknow, I'm just a level below ya. Maybe.

Worst thing to enter my body was probably a rotted fence piece.

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:45 AM)Ichi Wrote:

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The only thing I've impaled on my body is my right leg. I was about 3 years old, managed to break my leg and then impale it at the same time under a span of about 3 secs. Impaled by a small sharp rock straight through my leg, strange thing is that I wasn't crying. It was more like a, "god hates me" moment. It was also around the same time I stopped reaction to most pain.. :notamused:

I find it funny how I feel the same way. I feel pain somewhat, but I haven't shed a tear in about 4-5 years from pain itself.

Quote:(10-13-2013, 04:51 AM)Black River Wrote:

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Eh, I get along with those.
I do have somewhat a low opinion of myself but I generally refuse to admit fault.
'Tis the way of the stubborn student. I do think we're on two different extremes though. I've been told I'm too hot blooded for my own good, got that ill-temper and hyperness going on.
I consider it a perk, when you start an engine, might as well put the pedal to the metal.

Jumping in on this conversation, I have really bad anger management issues. I am an extremely chill guy to hang out with, but once I get pissed off (which happens easily and quickly), you DO NOT want to be any wheres near me. At lunch the other day someone made fun of my bad hair and they almost got knocked out.

Well, I've been told that I simply need to stop saying things the way I do and chill my temper.

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