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performSegueWithIdentifier has no segue with identifier

I encountered a crash while testing my app. The following image is my storyboard:


I have the code in View Controller:

@IBAction func unwindToHomeScreen(segue:UIStoryboardSegue) {


The view of "Add new Item" have a "Cancel" button, I controlled-drag it to the "Exit" icon at the top and link to `unwindToHomeScreen`, it works fine.

The "Add new Item" has a class `AddTableViewController` and the code I wrote inside:

@IBAction func save() {
// Execute the unwind segue and go back to the home screen
performSegueWithIdentifier("unwindToHomeScreen", sender: self)

I controlled-drag the "Save" button to the func, but the app crash when I click the button

I can use `dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)` instead, but I just wonder why `performSegueWithIdentifier` can't work?

I read the code at [][2] and try to make one and using `performSegueWithIdentifier` like this example for practicing, I didn't see the segue identifier at her, what is the difference?



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I had it all wired up correctly. It was just that the viewController I was segueing from, was NOT instantiated from the storyboard. I had it instantiated pragmatically.

I initially had it written as:

let vc = DeviceVC()

Had to change it to:

let sb = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle(for: DeviceVC.self))
let vc = sb.instantiateViewController(identifier: "DeviceVC") as! DevieVC

I had the same issue.

All I did was:

I selected the segue indicator in the storyboard.

Deleted it.

Then created a new segue with the same identifier. Boom, it works.

Swift 4:

Sometimes we must **clean** the build folder and then try again.

Worked for me after ctrl-dragging the new segue and giving it a name, then using it programatically as:

performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToMyNewViewController" , sender: self)

A possible issue with iOS 12 and earlier (iOS 13 seems not to suffer from the same issue) might come from the fact that *performSegue(withIdentifier:,sender:) is called from the view controller viewdidLoad() callback*.

You absolutely *must invoke it from the **viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)** callback* in order to avoid the question-mentioned crash.

That will certainly save hours of hair-puling…

in my case reorder the Embed in

Tab bar controller
Navigation controller
vc (contains button - tapping button initiates a "show, e.g. push" segue)

Too fix the title in the navigationBar

for me --> click on the relation-arrow between view controllers and then select attribute inspector, there is identifier give name and select push class done...

I found that because I renamed my view controller, I needed to delete and recreate the segue.


You haven't actually given that segue an identifier. `unwindToHomeScreen` is a function that you can call; what you're looking for is your segue identifier, which is set in Interface Builder like this:

![Set an identifier][1]

In this example, I have a button wired to the next view via Interface Builder like you describe ("Interface Builder") and a button that is wired to this `IBAction` in my view controller ("Programmatically"):

@IBAction func goToNextView(sender: UIButton!) {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier:("go", sender: self)

In any case, what you're missing is the actual identifier, which can be set in the attributes of a segue created in Interface Builder.


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